Sep 19, 2019


I don't quite feel my self these past few days.
been thinking bout how I'm getting older and haven't settle down yet.
I'm still not able to provide my parents with a great life, still relying on them to work.

at times, I feel like leaving them and staying in the room not, and coming back for the weekend.
if I may, I just wanna smoke all the cigarettes in hope that I will exhale the problems away.

I'm torn between settling down or running away from everyone.
I know I'm not the greatest person  alive, in fact, no one can ever be.
but at least. I just want myself to feel good about it.

I lost my appetite just by thinking bout how useless I am.

I hope, one fine day, I'm able to pay everything for parents, get in the car, light my cigarettes, and drive my car heading to my own home.

I'm in my mid 20's not a thing in my life feels like a movie...

p/s I wrote this without thinking how to relate one point to another, it just came out of my heart.

                                                                                                       Kelana Jaya, SED

Sep 10, 2019


13, satu kali.
18, dua kali.
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24...
berkali kali